Thursday, September 6, 2018

Joseph Smith and Magic Mushrooms

 Once one understands the concept of Irony and how mushrooms work, it occurred that others figured this out; and, started a new religion or cult based on it.  One in particular was Joseph Smith and the founding of the Latter Day Saints.  There were the disappearing golden tablets,  and seeing stones.  Both of which in the Bible have been symbols for the Mushrooms.  And he said that Jesus visited North America.  It was suspected that Joe was partying with the local Algonquin natives who ate the mushrooms.  Also, Joe was a free mason.  I started to do some research and lost it.  However, the vibe is out there.  Here is a video by Dr. Rush.

Link to video:

Also was a paper written by Robert Beckstead, called "Restoration and the Sacred Mushroom"

Did hallucinogens facilitate Joseph Smith’s visions & those of early Mormon converts? In his 1975 book, Hearts Made Glad, Lamar Petersen carefully documented the use of intoxicants by Joseph Smith and early converts to the LDS Church. While mostly interested in the consumption of various fermented and distilled alcohols, Petersen also noted strange behaviors associated with the sacramental use of what seemed to outside observers to be medicated wine. It appears that soon after the Church was organized in New York and later in Ohio, members partook of wine in sacrament meetings which occasioned visionary states and strange behaviors not typically associated with alcohol consumption or intoxication. It is my thesis that beginning at a young age, Joseph Smith experimented with psychedelic plants and that many of Joseph Smith revelations and much of his behavior can be attributed to the use of psychedelics. Following Joseph Smith’s death, the pragmatic Brigham Young had no interest in psychedelic material, or was unaware of its use, and hence it did not become a part of Utah Mormonism. However, James Strang and Fredrick M. Smith (Joseph Smith’s grandson and president of the RLDS Church) perpetuated the use of psychedelics in their branches of Joseph Smith’s original movement. The use of psychedelics by the Strangites and the RLDS Church could not be sustained.
Link to paper:

William Blake and Magic Mushrooms

“I do not suggest that St. John of Patmos ate mushrooms in order to write the Book of Revelations. Yet the succession of images in his Vision, so clearly seen but such phantasmagoria, means for me that he was in the same state as on be-mushroomed. Nor do I suggest for a moment that William Blake knew the mushroom when he wrote this of the clarity of vision…” page 40, Carl A. P, Ruck, in Sacred Mushrooms: Secrets of Eleusis
I took the little scroll from the angel’s hand and ate it. It tasted as sweet as honey in my mouth, but when I had eaten it, my stomach turned sour.  Revelations 10:10, St. John
A dragon red and hidden Harlot which John in Patmos saw
From Milton, William Blake
     In 1954, Aldous Huxley published The Doors of Perception, a book about his experience using mescaline, the active psychotropic in peyote.  He took the title from William Blake’s, “The Marriage of Heaven and Hell.”  In the 1960’s the psychedelic rock band The Doors, would take their name from the same quote. The full quote reads,” If the doors of perception were cleansed everything would appear to man as it is, infinite/For man has closed himself up till he sees all things thro’ narrow chinks of his cavern,” (page93).  If Aldous Huxley and Jim Morrison used psychoactive substances to open these doors of perception, it would seem likely that William Blake did as well.

     If one never looked at the art of William Blake or knew of his background in Gnosticism, it is possible to come to the conclusion that he was simple inspired. However, If one takes a closer look at his work, in conjunction with such works as John M. Allegro’s, The Sacred Mushroom and the Cross, or Jan Irving and Andrew R Astrotheology and Shamanism, or my Hacking into Heaven: Mushrooms and the Bible, it should be obvious that William Blake knew the source of the Bible to be the mushroom, Amanita muscaria more commonly referred to as fly agaric; and that he consumed them to become inspired. In this work, I will analyze the engravings and poetry of William Blake to demonstrate beyond a doubt that he used mushrooms, and incorporated them into his art, in fact emulating the Bible.
     Deconstructing a myth is a difficult task, for it involves tearing apart something sacred and rebuilding it into something more realistic; it is akin to ripping the wings off of an angel to bring the image back down to earth.  For example, part of the William Blake myth involves Blake having a vision of god at the age of four.  How can one confirm of deny this happened? How at four years old, do you have the linguistic ability to express a vision of god? Unless of course, Blake relates the story later in life to give credence to the narrative of his poetic vision.  This story comes to us from Blake’s wife, Katharine, and is recounted in the Diary, reminiscences, and correspondence of Henry Crabb Robinson, “You know dear, the first time you saw god was when you were four years old, and he put his head to the widow, and set you a screaming” (77).  Furthermore, this comes from a conversation Robinson had with Katherine in 1827, after Blake’s death.  Also, while Blake had some recognition during his own time, he was not published, and most of his work was in private collections.
     Alexander Gilchrist wrote The Life of William Blake in 1863, nearly 40 years after Blake’s death.  While it provides the narrative of Blake’s life, it does so by relying on dated information given to Gilchrist by Blake’s surviving friends.  To really understand Blake’s work, it is more important to look at who inspired his style and philosophies: Jacob Boehm and Emmanuel Swedenborg.  Both Boehm and Swedenborg attempted to reinterpret the Bible, and created their own methodology for their exegeses.  Both men came to the conclusion that the Bible was a sort of code in which the truth was hidden.  Consider the following quote from Boehm’s Clavis :
10. Reason will stumble, when it sees heathenish terms and words used in the explanation of natural things, supposing we should use none but scripture phrase (or words borrowed from the Bible); but such words will not always ply and square themselves to the fundamental exposition of the properties of nature, neither can a man express the ground with them: also the wise heathen and Jews have hidden the deep ground of nature under such words, as having well understood that the knowledge of nature is not for every one, but it belongs to those only, whom God by nature has chosen for it.
And consider a similar quote from Swedenborg’s The White Horse:
7. The Word is not understood, except by those who are enlightened. The human rational faculty cannot comprehend Divine, nor even spiritual things, unless it be enlightened by the Lord (n. 2196, 2203, 2209, 2654). Thus they only who are enlightened comprehend the Word (n. 10323). The Lord enables those who are enlightened to understand truths, and to discern those things which appear to contradict each other.
     Both excerpts suggest that the actual words of the Bible are not to be taken literally, but interpreted.  Furthermore, Boehme suggests that only those chosen by god will receive insight, while Swedenborg suggests that only the enlightened will understand these spiritual truths. Apparently, Boehme and Swedenborg feel they are in possession of this faculty to discern the truth of the word, but where did they get this divine knowledge? How where they selected?
     Secret societies abounded in medieval Europe, and it has been suggested by many that the secrets of the Divine mystery of Jesus Christ have been passed down through secret societies and the founders of these societies, especially through the alchemical works of Paracelsus and secret society of Freemasonry.  Rather than try to prove that William Blake lived across the street from a Masonic temple, and was a freemason, as well as those who inspired him, I would rather focus on the work of Blake to demonstrate the themes he includes come from Freemasonry and alchemy. It was through these secret societies that certain members were initiated in into the inner circle and given the true doctrine of the world’s great religions; civilization evolved out of mushroom use, more specifically the consumption of Amanita muscaria. 

     In 1957, the western world was introduced to magic mushrooms via Life magazine, in an article about R. Gordon Wasson’s discovery of the magic mushroom in Mexico. The ancient mushroom ritual was still being practiced by the Mazatec Indians.  Wasson followed up the article with a self-published book, Mushrooms Russia and History.  And in 1969, he self-published another book, Soma: The Divine Mushroom of Immortality, which consequently was sold out before it was even published.  Only a year later, John M. Allegro would publish his book The Sacred Mushroom and the Cross, claiming that the god the ancient Israelites was the Amanita muscaria mushroom.  It wasn’t until 2001, that Dan Merkur published, The Mystery of Manna, which he suggested ergot rather than amanita.  And in 2002, Clark Heinrich published, Magic Mushrooms in Religion and Alchemy, in which he suggests that the Amanita muscaria mushrooms was behind both religion and alchemy.  Then in 2006, Jan Irving and Andrew Rutajit published, Astrotheology and Shamanism: Unveiling the Law of Duality in Christianity and Other Religions, which reasserted the Amanita muscaria theory.  Most recently, I published my own, Hacking into Heaven: Mushrooms and the Bible, which I too assert that the Bible is based on the psychoactive mushroom Amanita muscaria.  You can download a PDF copy by clicking on the photo of the cover on sidebar. 

Monday, September 3, 2018

Mad Scientist Eric Doddard; Only Man to Replicate Tesla's Wireless Transmission



I used to run into Eric Dollard at the local coffee chop and we had some pretty interesting conversations.  Anybody who's every studied Tesla knows its not about electricity, but frequency.  And Eric is broadcasting in his own wavelength that few can receive. 
Eric Dollard is an Electrical Engineer who is a “living legend” in the field of electrical research. He is considered by many to be the most knowledgeable expert alive today on the true nature of electricity. Author of the landmark mathematical papers Symbolic Representation of Alternating Electric Waves and Symbolic Representation of the Generalized Electric Wave, Eric shows how all electric phenomena can be mathematically measured and engineered WITHOUT using calculus or “Maxwell’s Equations.” Author of Condensed Intro to Tesla Transformers and Theory of Wireless Power, he is also the only person since Tesla’s death to successfully build a real Magnifying Transmitter.
Einstein’s so-called speed of light limit is circumvented since the longitudinal propagation goes through counterspace, which is instantaneous meaning there is no velocity. It is not “faster than light”, it is instantaneous extraluminal transmission, which is way more advanced than what Einstein was ever able to conceive.

Also very interesting are his idea on music and how frequencies can generate energy.  He builds on J.J. Thompson's work,
     His most important concept is that the aether is the storehouse of momentum. This means that when the aether is electrified, it exhibits the properties of a substance with inertia and momentum that acts upon physical matter.
     This leads to an understanding that matter in and of itself is an accretion of the aether. Thomson shows that the aether is a substance that is directly engineerable both mathematically and in concrete form and that there is a direct equivelancy between aether and matter.

Saturday, September 1, 2018

5 Bad Ideas infecting the subconscious

Intersting article on how ideas influence us.

The subconscious mind doesn’t speak the same language as the conscious mind. It works on the level of visualization. Many of the influences mentioned above operate as mental images within the minds of many in our culture. A form of daydreaming. A trance like state. Waking up to this awareness is exceptionally liberating.

4.) The Hypocrisy of Church and State – Stoking extreme cognitive dissonance, the most influential institutions in our world, church and state, are perpetually engaged in behavior that defies their stated objectives, creating an environment where otherwise would-be virtuous people develop a warped sense of reality.
The Catholic Church is mired in evil child-abuse scandals all the time, but they still put on the air of righteousness. The government is pretty much always engaging in scandal, murder, corruption and every other evil things, while, again, presenting itself as an organization that brings justice and equity to our world.
The 5 main negative ideas influencing the subconscious

Thursday, August 30, 2018

Deconstructing Satan

Deconstructing Satan: Sympathy for the Devil

     Before there was a Jesus turning over the moneychangers’ tables, there was a Serpent encouraging Adam and Eve to break God's only law. Most people are introduced to the image of Satan before they ever read about him. The image presented is a red-devil with horns, who carries a pitchfork. And often this image is seen flying above a person's shoulder whispering sinful thoughts into the unsuspecting ear. However, none of these images are quite consistent with the Bible's descriptions.
     In Genesis, the character often portrayed as the devil is a talking snake. The Hebrew for “snake” is Nachash, and it is also associated with divination, including the verb-form meaning to practice divination or fortune-telling.104 Another interesting description is God's curse placed on the Serpent. God condemns Satan to crawl on his belly and eat dust. He vows to make enemies of the offspring of the serpent and woman; and that the children will strike the head of the serpent's offspring, and they will strike the heel of the children. The Serpent is another mushroom riddle.

     The dried cap of the mushroom can resemble snakeskin. Also, snakes can be poisonous, as well as harmless. The next clue is the word nachash. When used as a verb it means to practice divination and fortune telling. Also the serpent is the wisest of all animals. The mushroom grows out of soil, and appears to eat dust for food; technically it does! Consider the notion that God taught mankind to fear and loath the mushroom as deathly poisonous so that children will stomp them when they see them. (At least I used to because I was told they were poisonous, and I thought I was doing the world a favor) Also, there is the image of a snake with fruit in its mouth to create the icon a stipe and mushroom cap. Last, consider the notion that the mushroom inspired Eve to rebel against God's only commandment.

     Satan comes from the Hebrew and “is a noun from a verb meaning primarily to, “obstruct, oppose,” as it is found in Numbers 22:22, 1 Samuel 29:4, Psalms 109:6.”105 Later in the Bible, Job chapters 1-2, the article ha- is placed in front of satan creating Ha-Satan, or the Satan, or the Adversary.106 This is Satan who appears at God's court and offers to test Lot. God uses Satan to test his most loyal servant,Job. God asks Satan where he has been and Satan replies, “From roaming through the earth, and going back and forth in it” (Job 1:7). When questioned about the loyalty of God's servant Job, Satan replies it is only because God protects him that Job is so loyal. God grants Satan to authority to test him. Satan puts him through horrible circumstances in order to prove to God Job will curse him to his face. In this way Satan is used by God to test his servant, and is not motivated by his own volition. Satan merely acts to oppose or obstruct one's faith.
     The Serpent is the first Christ figure in the Bible. He pointed out that God lied, and encouraged Adam and Eve to eat the fruit of knowledge. Not much different than Jesus pointing fingers at the Elders of Zion and saying, “Think not that I bring peace; but fire, sword and war.” They both encouraged people to break commandments, yet Jesus is crucified, while Satan is merely cursed. If Jesus and the Serpent were one and the same, then the variable, which would make it true, is that they are both deifications of theAmanita muscaria mushroom.

     The mushroom intoxication has the ability to change a person's mind. And that changed mind has the ability to change another person's mind through language. For example, the Serpent who knows the truth, tells Eve the truth about the fruit. She eats it, experiences the intoxication, and shares it with her husband. Following the experience, Adam and Eve made clothes, and developed a fear of what they used to love—God. There is a reversal of perception of authority and it inspires a challenge to it; Satan challenged Heaven, Moses challenged Egypt, Jesus challenged Israel and Rome. Therefore, it is quite clear that mushrooms have the ability to destroy nations built on words; and that denying your populations access to mushrooms creates the very empires they can destroy.

Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Thomas Pynchon's Gravity's Rainbow and the Ouroboros


Thomas Pynchon's in a Paragraph - Gravity's Rainbow

Thomas Pynchon is often associated with themes of conspiracy, synchronicity, royal bloodlines, and entropy- at least those are some of the major themes I have encountered in his work.  While it may not be fair to sum up a man's work in just a paragraph, one such keystone passage exists; and if you could just read one paragraph, a microcosm of his multiverse, and get the idea of what Pynchon is all about- wouldn't you?  ON page 412, of my Penguin Classic edition of Gravity's Rainbow:

“Kekulé dreams the Great Serpent holding its own tail in its mouth, the dreaming Serpent which surrounds the World. But the meanness, the cynicism with which this dream is to be used. The Serpent that announces, "The World is a closed thing, cyclical, resonant, eternally-returning," is to be delivered into a system whose only aim is to violate the Cycle. Taking and not giving back, demanding that "productivity" and "earnings" keep on increasing with time, the System removing from the rest of the World these vast quantities of energy to keep its own tiny desperate fraction showing a profit: and not only most of humanity—most of the World, animal, vegetable, and mineral, is laid waste in the process. The System may or may not understand that it's only buying time. And that time is an artificial resource to begin with, of no value to anyone or anything but the System, which must sooner or later crash to its death, when its addiction to energy has become more than the rest of the World can supply, dragging with it innocent souls all along the chain of life. Living inside the System is like riding across the country in a bus driven by a maniac bent on suicide . . . though he's amiable enough, keeps cracking jokes back through the loudspeaker . . .”

The above passage from the paragraph describes a dream of the Ouroboros had by August Kekule, as imagined by Pynchon. Kekule is credited with discovering the benzene hydrocarbon structure, and here is a short story of his relation to the Ouroboros and how it influenced him.

Physicist Hans von Baeyer tells a strange story about the benzene molecule. It begins in 1850 with a young architecture student, Friedrich Kekule, testifying before a grand jury in Giessen, Germany. The charred body of a neighbor lady had been found in her room. People thought she'd been the victim of spontaneous combustion, brought on by drinking too much liquor.
The great chemist Justus von Liebig testified at the trial. He made it quite clear that the lady would have died long before she'd drunk enough alcohol to make her flammable. Then Kekule's testimony incriminated a servant who'd been stealing from the lady. He identified her distinctive ring, which turned up in the servant's possession. Together, Liebig's and Kekule's testimony convicted the scoundrel of murdering the lady.
The trial left its mark on the young Kekule. He gave up architecture and took up the study of chemistry with Liebig. The lady's odd ring also lingered in Kekule's mind -- it had carried the old alchemy seal of two intertwined serpents biting each other's tail. 
Fifteen years later, Kekule worked with Liebig on a new chemical called benzene. Logic dictated that it must be an arrangement of six carbon, and six hydrogen, atoms. But how could you arrange such a molecule without violating the rules of chemical valence? It didn't seem possible. 
Kekule dozed in his chair by the fire, trying to solve the riddle. As he nodded, he dreamt of the twining serpents on that old ring, whirling in the flames. Suddenly, in the dream, the serpents caught each other's tail and formed a circle. Kekule saw the answer. The carbon atoms formed an hexagonal ring with alternating single and double bonds. Each one held its own hydrogen atom -- "like charms on a bracelet," says von Baeyer. It was a structure utterly alien to anything else in chemistry.

Justus von Liebig is considered to be the father of modern organic chemistry, and it is from him that Kekule derives his inspiration.  From Wiki:

Justus Freiherr von Liebig[2] (12 May 1803 – 18 April 1873) was a German chemist who made major contributions to agricultural and biologicalchemistry, and was considered the founder of organic chemistry.[3] As a professor at the University of Giessen, he devised the modern laboratory-oriented teaching method, and for such innovations, he is regarded one of the greatest chemistry teachers of all time.[4] He is considered the "father of the fertilizer industry" for his emphasis on nitrogen and certain minerals as essential plant nutrients, and his formulation of the Law of the Minimum which described the effect of individual nutrients on crops.[5] He also developed a manufacturing process for beef extracts, and founded a company, Liebig Extract of Meat Company, that later trademarked the Oxo brand beef bouillon cube.

More on this later in part two. I will connect the idea of the Ouroboros and a later quote in the second part of the paragraph which relates to the Phoenix.  Cheers.


Was Dracula a mushroom eater?

Was Dracula a Mushroom eater?

Connecting some dots

The other day there was an article about researchers finding Vlad the Impaler's, or Dracula's tomb. And I saw some things that got me thinking.

      I noticed that Vlad was a secret society member, know as Order of the Dragon. The order was based on protecting Christianity: and they wore an emblem with the Ouroboros on it.  Consider that the Order of the Dragon was created to resists the Ottoman Empire's expansion into Europe. 
The Order of the Dragon (LatinSocietas Draconistarum, lit. "Society of the Dragonists") was a monarchical chivalric order for selected nobility,[1]founded in 1408 by SigismundKing of Hungary (r. 1387–1437) and later Holy Roman Emperor (r. 1433–1437). It was fashioned after the military ordersof the Crusades, requiring its initiates to defend the cross and fight the enemies of Christianity, in particular the Ottoman Turks.
The main  goal of the society was to:
 to crush the pernicious deeds of the same perfidious Enemy, and of the followers of the ancient Dragon, and (as one would expect) of the pagan knights, schismatics, and other nations of the Orthodox faith, and those envious of the Cross of Christ, and of our kingdoms, and of his holy and saving religion of faith, under the banner of the triumphant Cross of Christ.. Wikipedia 
When we consider the what Dracula means:
Historically, the name "Dracula" is derived from a Chivalric order called the Order of the Dragon, founded by Sigismund of Luxembourg (then king ofHungary) to uphold Christianity and defend the Empire against the Ottoman TurksVlad II Dracul, father of Vlad III, was admitted to the order around 1431, after which Vlad II wore the emblem of the order and later, as ruler of Wallachia, his coinage bore the dragon symbol. The name Dracula means "Son of Dracul".
     While Bram Stroker's novel Dracula is loosely based on the real life character of Vlad the Impaler, it is just that loosely based.  For instance it leaves out the part that Vlad was taken prisoner, and while imprisoned, his father and brother were killed by their fellow noblemen; thus, setting the stage for the young Vlad to avenge their deaths, and wage a bloody war against the Ottoman Empire.  I am not saying the guy was not brutal, just that he had an ax to grind.

Consider the following portrait of Vlad, and notice the red and white motif of his outfit.


The red and white cap is similar to mitres or hats worn by popes, bishops, and Santa Claus.

The red and white cap of Santa and the Roman Catholic church has been associated with the mushroom Amanita muscaria.  And in addition to the red and white cap pictured on Vlad, was the emblem worn by the order, the Ouroboros:

The Ouroboros was an ancient symbol, going al the way back to Ancient Greece, where Plato mentions it.
The Ouroboros or Uroboros (/jʊərɵˈbɒrəs//ɔːˈrɒbɔrəs/, from the Greek οὐροβόρος ὄφις tail-devouring snake) is an ancient symbol depicting a serpentor dragon eating its own tail.
The Ouroboros often symbolizes self-reflexivity or cyclicality, especially in the sense of something constantly re-creating itself, the eternal return, and other things such as the phoenix which operate in cycles that begin anew as soon as they end. It can also represent the idea of primordial unity related to something existing in or persisting from the beginning with such force or qualities it cannot be extinguished. While first emerging in Ancient Egypt, the Ouroboros has been important in religious and mythological symbolism, but has also been frequently used in alchemical illustrations, where it symbolizes the circular nature of the alchemist's opus. It is also often associated with Gnosticism, and Hermeticism. Wikipedia 
Consider that Plato suggested that it was the first living thing, and it was circular:

Plato described a self-eating, circular being as the first living thing—the universe as an immortal, mythologically constructed entity.
The living being had no need of eyes because there was nothing outside of him to be seen; nor of ears because there was nothing to be heard; and there was no surrounding atmosphere to be breathed; nor would there have been any use of organs by the help of which he might receive his food or get rid of what he had already digested, since there was nothing which went from him or came into him: for there was nothing beside him. Of design he created thus; his own waste providing his own food, and all that he did or suffered taking place in and by himself. For the Creator conceived that a being which was self-sufficient would be far more excellent than one which lacked anything; and, as he had no need to take anything or defend himself against any one, the Creator did not think it necessary to bestow upon him hands: nor had he any need of feet, nor of the whole apparatus of walking; but the movement suited to his spherical form which was designed by him, being of all the seven that which is most appropriate to mind and intelligence; and he was made to move in the same manner and on the same spot, within his own limits revolving in a circle. All the other six motions were taken away from him, and he was made not to partake of their deviations. And as this circular movement required no feet, the universe was created without legs and without feet.[6][7] Wikipedia
And again it appears in the Middle-ages via Order of the Dragon, and the mystical art of alchemy.
In alchemy, it represents the spirit of Mercury (the substance that permeates all matter), and symbolizes continuous renewal (a snake is often a symbol of resurrection, as it appears to be continually reborn as it sheds its skin.), the cycle of life and death, and harmony of opposites. As a symbol of the eternal unity of all things, the cycle of birth and death from which the alchemist sought release and liberation. It unites opposites: the conscious and unconscious mind. Alchemically, the ouroboros is also used as a purifying glyph.

     So this one symbol which goes all the way back to Ancient Egypt and continues through the Middle ages has been identified by many researchers: Jan Irving, Clark Heinrich, myself,  as the mushroom Amanita muscariaAmanita muscaria mushrooms have a mycorrhizal relationship with pine trees, and can be found among the fallen brown pine needles.  The mushroom itself is bright red, perhaps appearing as if on fire; Moses and the Burning Bush.  Then as the elements take their toll on the mushroom, it disintegrates back into the pine needles and resembles ash, as if something had burned there.  And later when conditions are right, the mushroom will grow back in the same spot, repeating the cycle.

 So I was just thinking that maybe the blood that Vlad drank was just another allegory for his ritualistic use of the mushroom. I realize this is a stretch , but stranger things have proven to be true.

Understanding DMT Entities, Elves and other Hallucinations

Humphrey Osmond Romancing Chaos The word Psychedelic was coined by LSD enthusiast Humpfrey Osmond in and effort to change the perception of...