Saturday, December 4, 2021

An Etymology of Entheogen or Why I Came Up with Neurotron


Mushrooms are considered a drug by modern society standards, often referred to as Entheogens. In the early 20 century, scientists described the effects of ,mushrooms as Psychotomimetic, which means “actions mimics the symptoms of psychosis, including delusions and/or delirium, as opposed to only hallucinations” (wikipedia). However this word was loaded with negative connotations and seen as obstacle to those who wanted to popularize their use. One such person was Aldus Huxley, British secret agent, and Fabian Society member.


Huxley was part of a conspiracy to undermine America thru a secret culture war that involved importing radicals from Germany into Hollywood ,and popularizing drugs with American youth in an effort to radicalized and socialize America. The man who popularized mescaline and LSD could not people excited about using a drug that made you psychotic. What if they changed the word psychotomimetic into something more positive? Something with a little sales pitch behind it.

Huxley arrived at the word Psychedelic coined by another British agent, Humfrey Osmond. “The term psychedelic, from the Greek for “mind-manifesting”, was coined by Humphry Osmond, a British psychiatrist working in Canada in the 1950s. “To fathom hell or soar angelic / Just take a pinch of psychedelic,” he wrote in a letter to the writer Aldous Huxley. Osmond had introduced Huxley to mescaline, and Huxley went on to write The Doors of Perception about his psychedelic experience.”

Now armed with the word psychedelic, these two went about introducing LSD to many pop culture figures in the late 50’s. With in ten years they had transformed American culture and created a new movement of drugged out hippies, which also destroyed the anti-war movement. This movement culminated in the Manson Family killing Sharon Tate and friends.


If you looked at what Huxley did as an experiment, then he proved that psychotomimetic was actually the proper word for describing the effects of these substances. The conspirators never at rest decided make another go at it. 

Most recently, there has been a movement in nonscientific circles to recognize the ability of these substances to provoke mystical experiences and evoke feelings of spiritual significance. Thus, the term entheogen, derived from the Greek word entheos, which means "god within", was introduced by Ruck et al. and has seen increasing use. This term suggests that these substances reveal or allow a connection to the "divine within". Although it seems unlikely that this name will ever be accepted in formal scientific circles, its use has dramatically increased in the popular media and on internet sites. Indeed, in much of the counterculture that uses these substances, entheogen has replaced psychedelic as the name of choice and we may expect to see this trend continue. (wikipedia)

Neurotron Vs. Entheogen 

Non-scientists should be the key word here. Instead of being more scientific and looking at what these molecules do to our brains, they went back to the more occult and obscure language of religion. “The god within, experiencing the divine”. What the fuck does that even mean? You can observe what is happening in a person using blood tests, neuro imaging, brain scans, neurotransmitters levels, but no. Let’s use non scientific language and be vague. Maybe they primitives thought they were experiencing the divine, but maybe its just a chemical experience that breaks down your neural net, your cognitive map of the world, the simulation of Reality composed of language, and re-organizes it?

So my attitude is lets use a new word that is scientific, and has some poetic cache. Entheogen is about the ugliest word that could come out of my mouth. I personally almost never use it and only do to appeal to those who’ve already been imprinted with it as the correct, or trendy word to use. The word that I propose is Neurotron. I have come to the conclusion though experience and research that psychoactive drugs disrupts the brains neural network, reorganizing it, and resets it. In short, they induce neuroplasticity.

Neuro - Greek for nerves, nervous system  

tron - Ancient Greek for tool, plow-

Neurotron A tool for plowing your neural net, or a tool for reweaving your neural network

techne - neverous system/ tech - a skill, craft, art

Neurotechtroics is the is the skill of reweaving or rewiring your neural network using Neurotrons.

I don’t know what it means to be divine or to have God speak to me, but I now what it feels like to eat mushrooms. I know that my nervous system is distorted and information taken in by my senses is all mixed up. To call that experience divine or whatever is unscientific as fuck and only keeps people thinking religion has something to offer. And it does, mind control. Occult, mysticism creates illusion which can then only be explained by the people who created it- a racket indeed.

Neurotrons and neortechtronics also sound cool. Just say them. Neuro tron, Nero tech tronics. Way better then the cacophony that is entheogen.

C’mon people it’s the 21 century, let’s start sounding like we live there!

Feel Good,


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