Thursday, December 2, 2021

What is Skydas?

Skydas is the Lithuanian word for shield. My ancestors were Lithuanian Dukes and I have incorporated the Lithuanian language into my philosophy for the similar reasons scientists used Greek and Latin, and also because of its uniqueness. For example, I use the word Kulgrinda to refer to the epigenetic process that might be stimulated by psychedelic drugs changing the way your body reads its DNA. code Its original meaning was all about trials to villages being hidden under streams. And so I felt like mushrooms might actually help us discover the hidden paths in our minds that lead back to our safe village—metaphorically.

So all these Ideas I have, I want to use in defensive way to protect our consciousness and keep our psyche free from mental illness. I feel like religion has always been a racket and will only confuse people with mysticism. This unclear languages gives all power to the priestly class, who quite frankly have nothing to offer me anymore but the continuation of racketeering. Science is no different to me. Look at the phamaicutical industry and then look into the placebo effect — another scam. I dont trust any of these institutions and I never really have. Trust is earned and these institutions have done nothing but erode my trust. Which is why I am creating Skydas.

There are no memberships or joining- we represent a collective of sorts, a collection of ideas which represent a kind of philosophy of protection. One idea involves the use of mushrooms and other psychoactive drugs to stimulate change to the neural network. In my experience all religions have some form of ritualistic plant use to accomplish this but they don’t tell you , and in fact keep promoting ridiculous ideas like the Buddha and Jesus were real people. Once they get you to believe these ideas, they can manipulate you thru guilt and fear, and then change your behavior for their agenda, not yours.

For example, why did Jesus say eat my body and drink my blood? You can do all the mental gymnastics around that you want, but when you understand that Jesus was mushroom, then it become clear. You eat the body of the mushroom and experience the Kingdom of Heaven, or what St. John called the Logos. You become Jesus, the truth, the living embodiment of a god, the “I AM”. Or does it make more sense that 1,000s of years ago some guy did all these amazing miraculous things that only a mushroom could do?

Anyway thats the deal with Skydas….

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